R and J Bass Fishing
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Wauseon Reservoir Ohio Fishing Report

Wauseon Reservoir 06-13-23
I suffered a little rib injury little over a week ago and had instructions not to fish for a while. I was feeling much better and pain wasn't so intense, so I decided to give a same try at fishing from shore. I headed up to Wauseon Reservoir to chuck around a swimbait. The ribs held up and the fish were biting. I managed dozen or so bass with few nice ones. Majority of the bass came from the upper reservoir.

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First Fishing trip of 2023. Kent Lake Michigan

This was our first fishing trip of 2023. Strong winds and storms the day prior led into our bluebird fishing day. Come along to see how we stringed some bites together on a tough fishing condition day. Thanks for being part of our community and stayed tuned for more exclusive content from R & J Bass Fishing. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below and we'll answer them.

High bid on Tuna

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Northern Pike Camouflage Predator

Northern Pike hiding amongst its prey.

Spring Fishing Muddy Water for Lunker Bass

Jim and Rick hunt large bass after ice out on a muddy body of water in Ohio. Winds make things interesting. #bassfishing #fishing #lunker #ohio #outdoors #wildlife #news

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